Windows / Linux: Add shortcut key info on context menu.
Press Tab or arrow keys to focus buttons on dialog, press Enter to press focused button or primary button by default.
→ Hyperlink Actions
and context menu, you can also bind shortcut keys for quicker operations.YAML Front matters now supports ending with three dots (…), based on the Yaml spec, “2.2. Structures”:
YAML uses three dashes (“—”) to separate directives from document content. This also serves to signal the start of a document if no directives are present. Three dots ( “…”) indicate the end of a document without starting a new one, for use in communication channels.
Three dot ending is also supported in Pandoc Markdown and Jekyll.
Code Fences now is better GFM / CommonMark compatible. You can put extra ` or `~` to warp code block which contains <code>
`</code> or ~~~
, for example:
``` inside a code block
Previously, typora support this via inserting a zero-with whitespace, now it is no longer needed, and will be rendered as a red dot like what it is a source code mode. Please remove zero-with whitespace if they cause rendering issues in other markdown engines.
Typora now follows GFM / CommonMark to parse 1)
as ordered list, for example:
1) list item 1
2) list item 2
which is same as
1. list item 1
2. list item 2
Use GFM compatible tables, please note that if you create table in hybrid editing mode, you will generate a well formatted and compatible table source code that follow changes and future changes will not affect your docs.
Leading or trailing pipes are optional in table rows, and it does not make any differences.
<!-- table -->
| abc | defghi |
| :-: | -----: |
| bar | bar |
<!-- also a table -->
| abc | defghi |
:-: | -----------:
bar | baz
<!-- also a table -->
| abc |
But please note that table will stop at block elements:
| abc | defghi |
| :-: | -----: |
| bar |
<!-- above line is not a table row since 4 whitespace makes a block list>
The header row must match the delimiter row in the number of cells. If not, a table will not be recognized:
| abc | def |
| --- |
| bar |
<!-- this is not a table since header row and second row does not share same cell counts -->
Fix some other parsing bugs.
Export Setting…
menu item under Export
+ (E)dit
, Alt
+ (P)aragraph
, Alt
+ F(o)rmat
, etc key combinations to open main menu.Upgrade to MathJax 3.2 for math faster and better math rendering.
Fix several issues about math numbering and references.
Fix numbered math block size issue on exported PDF.
In previous versions, when inputting math, errors are thrown for unclosed braces, etc, and previous rendered math will be replaced by the error message, which makes it difficult to use Typora live for lecturing or giving talks. Now, errors are shown under previous correctly rendered math, making live lecturing go smoothly.
Compared to previous versions, following TeX Packages are supported:
cases — provides environments for individually numbered cases
centernot — implements a centered not command (and a non-standard centerOver that places one symbol centered on top of another).
colortbl — provides macros for coloring cells of an array or alignment. Note: MathJax currently does not implement any commands for styling or coloring table boundaries.
empheq — an environment for placing material to the left or right of an alignment that has individual equation numbers.
gensymb — provides macros for some specific units.
mathtools — offers a range of macros and environments for advanced mathematical typesetting.
textcomp — provides a range of macros for specifying various text characters.
upgreek — provides macros for upright Greek characters.
braket — The braket extension defines the following macros for producing the bra-ket notation and set notation used in quantum mechanics
physics — The physics extension implements much of the LaTeX physics package.
xypic — draw various graphs and diagrams.
Upgrade flowchart version, which supports named branches.
Add Romanian Translation by Mooyeee.
Smart quote / dashes will not auto convert quotes and dashes in urls and inline codes. When smart quote / dashes are enabled with option ‘Convert on Input’, users know can use undo to revert back to original quote characters.
One more thing: Typora v1.0 is coming! You could subscribe to our newsletters at to get notified. No spam, promised.