Typora (0.9.58) beta

by typora.io

For macOS users, macOS ≥ 10.10 is require from this update.


Bug fix

This update is mainly about bug fix.

Fix security vulnerabilities on HTML rendering

This security issue is reported by Zhiyang Zeng(@Wester) from Tencent Blade Team.

Typora gives more permission than required for <iframe> using a local src address in previous version. This bug is now fixed.

Copy images to custom folder when insert

We added the missing option that allows users to copy image to a custom folder when insert them.

The custom folder path can be either an absolute path, or a relative path to the folder of the current file under editing. Relative path should starts with “./” or “../”. ${filename} will be replaced with the filename of current file.

Also, ${filename} can be used when specifying typora-root-url or typora-copy-images-to in YAML Front Matters (see Images in Typora).

Copy Math Block to MS Word

On Windows, the Typora v0.9.57 update fixed a bug about copying math expressions to MS Word. Now, if you want to paste math content into Word, you could right click on a math block in Typora, select MathCopy as MS Word from context menu, and then paste in Word.