Install and Use Pandoc



Typora requires Pandoc for some of its advanced features. If you don’t have Pandoc (or have a version older than v2.0), please download and run the installer from Pandoc Download Page.

You may need to restart Typora after install Pandoc if you receive an error that Typora cannot find Pandoc.

For Windows users, if Typora is still saying it cannot find Pandoc, you may need to restart your PC.

Pandoc Integration

In Typora, import function and export function for some file formats (including docx, odt, rtf, epub, LaTeX and wiki) are powered by a 3rd party software named Pandoc. Those features require Pandoc (≥ v2.0) to be installed.

Please note that installation of Pandoc is optional for Typora, if you do not need advanced import/export support in Typora, then you do not have to install Pandoc on your computer.

This document will show how to install Pandoc and use Typora with Pandoc for full import/export functions.

What is Pandoc

Pandoc is a universal document text converter. Typora uses it to support file import/export features for several file types.

Install Pandoc

For Mac Users

Briefly speaking, there are two recommended ways.

Install from downloaded package installer

Download a package installer from Pandoc’s download page, open it and follow the instructions for installation.


Install from Homebrew

For developers using Homebrew, installing Pandoc can be one line from terminal:

brew install pandoc

For Windows Users

Download the pandoc-*-window.msi from Pandoc’s download page, open it and follow the instructions for installation.


Install via Winget

For Windows 11 users, you could also install via winget install pandoc in cmd.

Install for Linux

You could install pandoc via sudo apt install pandoc in terminal.

If you are using the Snap version of Typora, the pandoc is included in the snap.

Config Pandoc Path

If Typora still shows “Require Pandoc to Continue” even after installed pandoc, please try restart Typora. If typora still cannot find pandoc after restart, you can manually input pandoc path on Preferences PanelExportGeneral.

pandoc path

Use Pandoc

After Pandoc is installed, then you can import supported file types by clicking File -> Import from the menu bar, or simply drag and drop a file into Typora. There are also new Export functions available from the menu bar. Pandoc will run in background for those tasks and then exit automatically, so you may not notice it.

You can find pandoc examples here.


Which version of Pandoc is supported?

Versions ≥ 2.0 are required. The latest version, the better. So updating Pandoc is encouraged if your Pandoc version is too old.

You can check your pandoc version via

pandoc --version

Can Typora work without Pandoc?

Yes. Only import and export (other than HTML/PDF file types) needs it.

Which file types can be imported or exported by Typora?

Import supports files with these extensions: .docx, .latex, .tex, .ltx, .rst, .rest, .org, .wiki, .dokuwiki, .textile, .opml, .epub.

Export supports file formats: HTML, PDF (these two do not need Pandoc installed), docx, odt, rtf, Epub, LaTeX, Media Wiki.

Pandoc itself supports more file types which Typora does not yet integrate. It has more details here.

What’s the difference between exporting by Typora and exporting by using Pandoc from command line?

Exporting by Typora is also powered by Pandoc, yet Typora will not convert directly from markdown to target file type, instead, it converts to an inner format Pandoc can read and then write as target file type. In detail:

Can all block/inline element types be exported correctly?

Exporting Task lists are not supported yet. Underline and highlight for .docx is supported only if they are not used inside or outside other inline styles. Underlining and highlights are not support for OpenOffice(.odt). Embedding .gif files is not support for LaTeX. Other block or inline elements can be exported, but the styles cannot be 100% matched when imported or exported.

How to uninstall Pandoc for mac?

Follow Pandoc’s official instructions:

If you later want to uninstall the package, you can do so by downloading this script and running it with perl”.

Found a bug and unsupported syntax for exporting?

Contact us, and please provide a sample .md file, so we can reproduce the bug.

If you have a bug/feature request for Pandoc, you please contact its community via pandoc-discuss.

How to export with special config / need?

Please check the export document.